
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Norman Doidge on Brain Plasticity - The Brain That Changes Itself

Now if they could only engineer babies that can change themselves . . . . OK, seriously. This cool three part video offers a taste of Doidge's interesting and immensely popular book, The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science.

I found this at Posit Science, although I am sure that I have seen these before.

Video Series: Norman Doidge on Brain Plasticity

By Karen Merzenich on August 2, 201

I’d like to let you know that this fall and winter, Norman Doidge is doing a speaking tour that includes visits to Toronto, Denver, Beijing, and several stops throughout Australia. You can see schedule and registration information here, on his website. This is one of my favorite presentations on brain plasticity by Dr. Doidge, author of the excellent book The Brain That Changes Itself. He talks about the history of brain research, leading up to the current brain plasticity revolution we are experiencing today. He is an excellent speaker with a strong command of the field. There are 3 videos in the series. Enjoy!

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