
Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Dalai Lama - The manifold events in the world are not non-existent; they do exist

by H.H. the Dalai Lama
translated, edited and annotated by
B. Alan Wallace


Dalai Lama Quote of the Week

We need to understand the essential nature of the broad diversity of phenomena. For example, if we are obliged to be involved frequently with a man who exhibits a personality that is true only on the surface, as well as another basic personality, it is important for us to know both of them. To engage in a relationship with this person that does not go awry, we must know both aspects of his personality. To know only the facade that he presents is insufficient; we need to know his basic disposition and abilities. Then we can know what to expect from him; and he will not deceive us.

Likewise, the manifold events in the world are not non-existent; they do exist. They are able to help and hurt us--no further criterion for existence is necessary. If we do not understand their fundamental mode of existence, we are liable to be deceived, just as in the case of being involved with a person whose basic personality we do not know.

--from Transcendent Wisdom by H.H. the Dalai Lama, translated, edited and annotated by B. Alan Wallace, published by Snow Lion Publications

Transcendent Wisdom • 5O% off • for this week only
(Good through August 27th).

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