
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Shinzen Young: Finding Positive Feel

Shinzen Young guides a student in "Finding Positive Feel", one of the Hold Positive strategies. He also posted Creating Positive Feel, parts 1 and 2 (below). Filmed May 2010 at Mt. Carmel Spiritual Centre in Niagara Falls.

Finding Positive Feel

Creating Positive Feel - 1 of 2 - An Introduction

Shinzen shares that "Creating Positive Feel" is an additional technique to "Finding Positive Feel". He then describes how to create positive feel by briefly and intentionally making a positive thought (mental image and internal talk) and then focusing on the "feel" resonance in the body.

Creating Positive Feel - 2 of 2 - A Guided Meditation

This video can be used for anyone wishing to have a guided in creating positive feel - which is one of Shinzen's versions akin to the traditional Loving Kindness meditation.

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