
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Integral Theory Conference Sessions to be Blogged #itc2010

The following is the tentative schedule of conference sessions I will be attending and blogging - most of these were selected by Sean and Mark to highlight what they feel to be some of the more interesting or important presentations.

Friday afternoon I am on the Integral Masculinity panel, so John Wagnon will be blogging the Key Criticisms of Wilber's Work panel, which features Frank Visser, Jeff Meyerhoff, Zak Stein, Sara Ross, Markus Molz, and Ray Greenleaf.

If any readers are also attendees, and you have something to share, drop me an email, a Facebook message, or just pull me aside at the conference - and PLEASE, if anyone is taking photos, and would like to share them, send me some jpegs to post here. I forgot my camera, not that I could have actually figured out which box it is in after the move this past weekend.

Lastly and most importantly, my sincerest thanks to Sean and Mark for putting this event together, and for taking a chance on having me blog it. I've already caused them some serious headaches and the conference has not yet official started.

Thursday Evening, 6:00-7:30
Opening Ceremony

9:00-10:30 - Michele Chase: Between Attack and Accommodation: Integrally Redefining "Devil's Advocate"
11:00-12:30 - Roger Walsh: The Ethics of Integral Living
2:00-3:00 - TBA, Daniel O'Connor is unable to attend
3:30-5:30 - Panel: Key Criticisms of Wilber's Work: What Is the Achilles Heel of Integral Theory: Frank Visser, Jeff Meyerhoff, Zak Stein, Sara Ross, Markus Molz, Ray Greenleaf [Blogged by John Wagnon]
3:30-5:30 - Panel: Intergal Masculinity: Are David Deida's and Warren Farrell's Visions of Masculinity "Integral?": Mark Forman, Bert Parlee, William Harryman, Luke Fullager, Pelle Billing, Diane Hamilton, Gilles Herrada
7:45-9:00 - Keynote Presentation: Robert Kegan, Professor, Harvard University

9:00-10:30 - Bonita Roy: AQAL 2210: A Tentative Cartology of the Future; Or How Do We Get from AQAL to A-perspectival?
11:00-12:30 - Zachary Stein & Katie Heikkinen: Developmental Differences in the Understanding of Integral Theory and Practice: Preliminary Results from the iTEACH Project
2:00-3:00 - William Varey: Health In, Of and For: The Ethics of Delineating ‘Health’ and ‘Unhealth’
3:30-5:30 - Panel: What is the Relationship Between Integral Psychotherapy and Transpersonal Psychotherapy? Ray Greenleaf, Elliott Ingersoll, Janet Lewis, Andre Marquis, Joanne Rubin, Douglas Tatyryn, Jefferey Jessum

I hope to have a chance to visit the poster session Saturday night, and will try to mention some of the more interesting work. I will also post a list of the conference award winners.

9:00-10:30 - Terri O'Fallon: Collapsing the Wilber-Combs Matrix
11:00-1:00 - Panel: Development and Ethics: Katie Heikinnen, Zak Stein, Elliott Ingersoll, Susanne Cook-Greuter, Roger Walsh

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