
Monday, May 31, 2010

Elephant Journal - Memorial Day Observations – Noam Chomsky’s Perspective (from Democracy Now!)

I posted a new piece for Memorial Day over at Elephant Journal, Memorial Day Observations – Noam Chomsky’s Perspective (from Democracy Now!).

Here is a brief taste:
I am not patriotic. I do not say the Pledge of Allegiance because my allegiance is not to a flag or a nation, but to human beings in general. I believe we should honor the warriors, however, even while we hate the war. I believe, as many are starting to realize, that out government has long ago ceased to be “by the people and for the people.” I believe that all of our most recent wars have not been based on higher ideals but, rather, politics and greed.
The post goes on from there, and it also includes links to a recent video of Noam Chomsky, via Democracy Now!, that is very much worth watching (or reading, since they include the transcript).

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