
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Buddhist Geeks, Podcast 168: Integral Zen w/ Diane Hamilton

I like Diane Hamilton as a teacher, and she seems pretty aware, so it makes me wonder how in the hell Marc Gafni (a man who has repeatedly abused his power and position as a "spiritual" teacher to obtain sexual relationships with students - offenses for which he should be barred from public teaching - yet he has been welcomed back into the integral inner circle after his 2006 incident in Israel) has snowed her into supporting him. Oh well.

Buddhist Geeks, #168: Integral Zen

BG 168: Integral Zen

19. Apr, 2010 by Diane Hamilton

Episode Description:

We’re joined by Zen Master, Diane “Musho” Hamilton, to explore an approach to spiritual practice called “Integral Zen.” In our interview we explore several related topics, including the difference between a path of renunciation and one of transmutation. As part of this we also look at the role that the shadow—a term coined by psychologist Carl Jung—plays in our spiritual practice. In addition we examine how different Buddhist traditions have, or have not, incorporated an understanding of the shadow. We also explore the role that community plays in helping wake each other up, and the verticality of the teacher-student relationship. Finally we talk about how she is incorporating, what are called the “3 faces of spirit” into her Zen teaching.

This is part 1 of a two-part series. Listen to part 2 (airing next week).

Episode Links:


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