
Friday, December 04, 2009

100 Killer iTunes Feeds for Serious Science Geeks

One of the authors/editors at Online Colleges sent me a link to this cool post - or at least it's cool if you are science geek or just someone who enjoys learning new things.

November 30th, 2009

Science majors and amateur scientists may want to take a break from their text books and head to iTunes when they get tired of traditional studying. You can find lectures, videos and interviews on all types of scientific subjects, from computer science to engineering to life sciences to physics. Here are 100 killer iTunes feeds for serious science geeks.

General Feeds

These science feeds cover all types of topics, so you’ll get a range of discussions each time you tune in.

  1. Yale Science: Subscribe to this feed if you want a diverse stream of science topics. [Yale]
  2. Science Talks: Award-winning scientists, including Nobel Laureates, talk about science in this feed. [92nd Street Y]
  3. Science and Nature: These talks address topics in physics, biology, environmental science and more. [KQED QUEST]
  4. Natural Science: From the Big Bang Theory to Newton’s theories to physics topics, you’ll find a range of natural science topics here. [Stanford]
  5. Lectures: Science lectures in this feed cover medical geology, ecology, quantum mechanics and more. [Wellesley College]
  6. Mellon College of Science: Lectures here cover sustainable technology, biomedicine and green chemistry. [Carnegie Mellon]
  7. Highlighted lectures and interviews: You’ll get to listen to lectures on evolution, gender ethnicity, astronomy, political science and HIV. [Cambridge]
  8. Physical Sciences: Earth sciences, astrophysics, astronomy and chemistry topics are all discussed in these lectures. [Australian National University]
  9. Speaking of Science: Recent lectures here discussed sustainability, agriculture, wildfire preparation, biodiversity, biofuels and corn breeding. [University of Minnesota]
  10. Science C100: This group of interdisciplinary science lectures cover astronomy, climate change, evolution and more. [Columbia]

Biology and Health

Study biological issues like reproduction, aging, microbiology, cell division, genetics and biodiversity from these feeds.

  1. DNA, RNA and Protein Formation: This intro class covers human proteins. [The Open University]
  2. Human Biology: This feed includes lectures on genetics, cell division, basic chemistry, the digestive system and more. [Harrisburg Area Community College]
  3. Microbiology: Get lectures relating to microbiology topics here. [HACC]
  4. Introductory Biology: From biochemistry to molecular biology, you’ll get an introduction to various sub-fields of biology. [MIT]
  5. Contemporary Biology: From pandemics to birth control to mad cow disease to death and aging, you’ll find important health and biology issues studied today.
  6. Science and Medicine: This feed includes talks about the future of medicine. [Brown University]
  7. Biology: Uniformity and Diversity: From microbes to fungi, to spiders’ webs, you’ll learn about biology uniformity and the diversity of life here. [The Open University]
  8. Darwin’s Legacy: Study genes, evolution, science and religion, and other topics related to Darwin’s impact on science. [Stanford]
  9. Microbiology: These microbiology recaps are hosted by the Chair of the Health Sciences Department. [East Tennessee State University]
  10. Biology: Review DNA, anatomy, neurons, carbohydrates, lipids and other bio topics here. [Cassiopeia Project]
  11. Complexity: Try to understand the inner workings of the human brain here. [Cassiopeia Project]
  12. Introd Acids/Bases: Hemoglobins, protein structure, enzymes and carbohydrates are just some of the topics covered here. [Oregon State University]
  13. Biology: Biology lectures here include "Who Owns Life?" and "The Biology of Autism." [Stanford]
  14. Medicine and Life Sciences: From sex chromosomes to DNA to biosecurity, you’ll find a range of biology and health sciences topics here. [Australian National University]
  15. Microbial Genetics: So far, there are over 35 lectures about microbial genetics in this feed. [University of Arizona]


You can learn about galaxies, physics principles, and black holes when you subscribe to these feeds.

  1. Astronomy: Learn about the sun, the shape and scale of the galaxy, and other topics. [The Open University]
  2. Exploring Black Holes: General Relativity: This physics and astronomy feed covers X-Ray Binaries, Einstein and more. [MIT]
  3. Survey of Astronomy: Get lectures from an astronomy survey course here. [Missouri State University]
  4. Stargazing for Everyone: If you’re just getting into astronomy, subscribe to this feed to learn about lunar eclipses, the planets and more. [Arizona's IDEAL eLearning Platform]
  5. Astronomy and Astrophysics Lecture Series: Talks here cover relativistic jets, acoustic astronomy and colliding galaxies. [Florida Institute of Technology]
  6. Astrobiology and Space Exploration: Consider life in space when you follow this feed. [Stanford]
  7. Spaced Out: Study stars, galaxies, energy waves and more. [Ohio]


These lectures will introduce you to organic chemistry, the periodic table, atomic theory and more.

  1. Principles of Chemical Science: Professors at MIT discuss periodic trends, atomic theory, hybridization, bond energies and other chemical science principles. [MIT]
  2. Chemistry: Study density, heat transfer, bonding, the periodic table and more. [Miami Dade College]
  3. Chemistry: Learn about properties of matter, molarity and mole problems, and more. [Michigan's MI Learning]
  4. Organic Chemistry Lecture II: Get chapter study guides and recaps for organic chem here. [University of New Orleans]
  5. General Chemistry: Lectures here cover stoichiometry, electrolytes, acids, Lewis structures and more. [Seattle Pacific University]
  6. Fundamentals of Chemistry: Study chemical fundamentals and applications from lectures here. [Missouri State University]
  7. Elementary Biochemistry: Study protein purification, membranes, nucleic acids, DNA and RNA synthesis and more. [Oregon State University]
  8. CHEM 111: These lectures come from a Chemistry 111 class that discussed gas laws, kinetic theory, acid-base properties and more. [Case Western Reserve University]
  9. Chem 105: Get lectures on atomic structure, molecular structure, bonding and more. [Case Western Reserve University]
  10. Chemistry: Learn about entropy and heat engines, chemical equilibrium, buffer solutions and more. [University of Utah]


From kinetic energy to Einstein’s theories and relaxed discussions with top scientists, you’ll explore all kinds of fascinating physics principles here.

  1. Physics I: Classical Mechanics: Study vectors, friction, Hooke’s Law, kinetic energy and more. [MIT]
  2. Einstein and the Mind of God: Listen to interviews about Einstein’s impact on science, ethics, string theory and more. [American Public Media]
  3. Physics III: Vibrations and Waves: This advanced physics feed covers forced oscillation and more. [MIT]
  4. The physical world: quantum: Study Einstein’s and Bohr’s principles in this feed. [The Open University]
  5. Principles of Physics: These short physics recaps tackle gravity, fluids, Newton’s laws of motion and more. [Denison University]
  6. Modern Physics: The Theoretical Minimum: These physics lectures address classical and quantum mechanics, theories of relativity, cosmology and more. [Stanford]
  7. The physical world: waves and relativity: Learn about the nature of sound waves and get tips on making your own radio here. [The Open University]
  8. Saturday Morning Physics: These interviews with physicists are relaxed and easy to understand.

Environmental Science

Study issues like renewable energy, biodiversity, sustainability and global warming in these feeds.

  1. Earth’s physical resources: renewable energy: Learn all about biofuels, hydroelectricity and what European countries are doing to promote renewable energy. [The Open University]
  2. Smart Energy: Margo Gerritsen’s lectures are on nuclear energy and naturally powered energy solutions. [Stanford]
  3. TERRA: The Nature of Our World: This feed tackles various subjects in environmental science, sustainability and biodiversity. [TERRA]
  4. Environment: Biodiversity, oil, and climate change are all addressed here. [Cambridge]
  5. Yale Environment: From global warming to sustainability to ethical eating, this feed covers many different aspects of environmental science. [Yale]
  6. Environment: Learn about the effects of coal, lead and oxyfuels on the environment. [Public Radio International]
  7. 4 Degrees Celsius and Beyond: Discover the effects of global warming on food systems and agriculture. [University of Oxford]
  8. Environmental Science: Lessons here are entitled "Nature’s Economy," "The Earth in the Balance" and "Global Warming." [Stanford]
  9. Energy Seminar: This lecture series is partly sponsored by the Woods and Precourt Institutes. [Stanford]
  10. Nicholas Talks: From global warming to the future of the forests, listen to lectures from various professors and scientists here. [Duke]
  11. Environmental Studies: This interdisciplinary feed considers conservation and other environmental studies topics. [Bowdoin College]


Computer science students and those who are interested in how technology systems are collaborating with other scientific fields will appreciate these feeds.

  1. Science and Technology: You’ll explore various technology topics by subscribing to this feed, from brain development and music, to drug treatments to technology management. [UCTV]
  2. The next big thing: Nanotechnology: Learn the basics of nanotechnology and why it’s "the next big thing." [The Open University]
  3. Computer Science: Listen to lectures on computer science topics like mechanism design and more. [Duke]
  4. Science and Technology: Lectures here address technology’s role in research in biology, chemistry and other fields. [McGill University]
  5. The Naked Scientists Podcast: This weekly podcast covers topics in medicine, science and technology. [Cambridge]
  6. School of Computer Science: Lectures in this feed discuss green computing, robots and more. [Carnegie Mellon]
  7. Computer Science 61A: Study user interface, generic operations and programming here. [UC Berkeley]
  8. Higher Computing: Learn about coding and computing history, among other CS topics from this feed. [UNSW]
  9. Microcomputer Applications: Lectures here cover networks and the Internet, peripherals and digital media. [Bacone College]
  10. Computer Science: Design and Analysis of Algorithms: This is a graduate-level computer science class covering network flow applications, graph algorithms and more. [UC Davis]

Geology and Earth Science

From oceanography to geographic formations, you’ll get to listen to exciting lectures on geology here.

  1. Earth and Life: Study volcanoes, the geological history of Tibet and various geological phenomena in this feed. [The Open University]
  2. Diving Deeper: Listen to discussion with the scientists from the National Ocean Service here. [Virginia Department of Education]
  3. Rocks in the Field: Study rocks and rock formations on the Antrim Coast and elsewhere. [The Open University]
  4. Geological Time: Get an introduction to how geological time is measured. [The Open University]
  5. Fossil Detectives: Study fossil excavation and the dinosaurs here.
  6. Geology and Earth Sciences: Lessons here cover turbidities, boundary layers, petroleum, virtual geology and other topics. [UC Davis]
  7. Geological structures exposed: Consider rock deformation and special geological structures here. [The Open University]
  8. The Forest Files: Study water cycle, soil cycle, and human impact on forests. [Virginia Department of Education]
  9. Perspectives in Ocean Science: Oceanography students will like these video lectures. [UCTV]

Math and Engineering

From green design to sketching and differential equations, these feeds can provide a good foundation for other science courses too.

  1. Green Buildings, Design and Practices: Green engineering students can subscribe to this feed for discussion about sustainable design. [UC Davis]
  2. Engineering: Recent lectures in this feed discussed renewable energy, jet engines and Einstein’s theories.
  3. Going Green: Explore green building and sustainable engineering topics here. [SUNY - ESF]
  4. Mathematics and Science Conference: Learn about the various math and science research studies going on today. [Abilene Christian University]
  5. Discrete Mathematics: Study algebraic structures, discrete probability and more. [UC Berkeley]
  6. Differential Equations: This feed can help you build a solid foundation for your science and engineering studies too. [MIT]
  7. Mathematical Methods for Engineers: Study matrices, network flows, optimization and more. [MIT]
  8. Introduction to Lean Six Sigma Methods: Engineers who need to work with Six Sigma will benefit from the lectures here. [MIT]
  9. Design and Designing: Get tips on creating cubic designs and sketching. [The Open University]
  10. Single Variable Calculus: These lectures cover differentials, Newton’s laws, and more. [MIT]

Social Sciences

Study psychology, archaeology, geography and brain capacity when you listen to these feeds.

  1. World Archaeology: From Pompeii to the origins of the field, you’ll learn a lot about archaeology here. [The Open University]
  2. Roots of Humanity and Civilization: Recent lectures here are titled "How did the universe begin?" and "When did culture begin?"
  3. Geography of Europe: Study cultural and economic geography of European societies. [Arizona State University]
  4. Cannabis, Consciousness and the Imagination: You’ll explore the nature of consciousness and substances that impede brain capacity. [The Open University]
  5. Great Ideas in Psychology: Consider the scientific method in psychology. [Missouri State University]
  6. Understanding Social Change: You’ll learn how globalization, welfare and the notion of work affect society. [The Open University]
  7. Child Developmental Psychology: If you’re studying psychology, you’ll want to tune into this feed that explores gender identity, emotions, attachment and child abuse. [UMBC]
  8. Brain Facts: Study the effects of sleep, stress and aging on the brain. [Denison University]
  9. Understanding Human Behavior: This multidisciplinary feed considers evolution, genetics and more. [Santa Fe Institute]
  10. Ethnic Relations in the U.S.: Study ethnic

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