
Monday, November 09, 2009

Upaya Dharma Podcasts - The Jewel of True Friendship


The Jewel of True Friendship

Speaker: Sensei Beate Genko Stolte

In Buddhism, taking refuge automatically puts us in relationship. We can pretend we are independent, that we can do things alone, but a deep practice shows us this is not true. Others constantly influence us and we constantly influence the world around us. Through exploring the mind, we come to understand our pretenses and see the truth of interconnectedness and our own true nature.

Podcast: Play in new window [Play] | Download [Play]

1 comment:

  1. I found this talk very enjoyable and informative - quite a range of subtopics such as facebook, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the human longing for connection, sangha and friendship - thank you!
