
Monday, October 26, 2009

Sandra Ingerman Interview

I've studied shamanism on and off for more than 20 years now. Over that time I have struggled with the various ways we interpret an archaic, animistic worldview with a modern or postmodern approach to healing.

Sandra Ingerman integrates her shamanic studies and experience into her work as a modern psychotherapist. Part of me sees her work as too willing to accept the superstitions (in my postmodern world) of shamanism. But I also see the psychological value in what she does.

Here she explains her practice in this 30 minute interview.

Sandra Ingerman Interview

by: LaVaughn

Wed Oct 21, 2009 at 00:00:37 AM EDT

Crossposted from Reflections Journal.

Very interesting interview with shamanic healer, psychotherapist, and author Sandra Ingerman. Her book Soul Retrieval is considered by many to be the seminal text on this cross-cultural, shamanic healing practice. In this interview she explains the mechanism of soul loss and the importance of retrieving and integrating these scattered pieces of self. She also discusses why and how so many of us have submerged our inner light, to live as cogs in an industrialized society, rather than living our soul's purpose.

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