Dogen’s Circle of the Way part 3 of 4
Speakers: Sensei Kaz Tanahashi & Irene Kyojo Bakker
Language is like the finger pointing to the moon, begins Kaz Sensei. The Dharma goes beyond the sutras, yet they remain important to the path. Buddhism is not outside or inside the scriptures; the experience of full enlightenment is to swallow and spit out the moon. Irene Kyojo reminds us that the Circle of the Way is literally beneath our feet in Dokanji, Upaya’s zendo. Our practice is something we do by learning, and we learn by doing. She offers us ways to look at the practice wholeheartedly through Dogen Zenji’s teachings.
[Play] Dogen's Circle of the Way part 3 of 4 [54:22m]: Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download [Play]
* * *Dogen’s Circle of the Way part 4 of 4
Speakers: Sensei Kaz Tanahashi & Roshi Joan Halifax
Kaz Sensei playfully looks at elements of the English language to illustrate how much we rely on language to understand reality. Roshi Joan tells the history behind Upaya’s Dokanji (Circle of the Way) zendo and the story of the Hundred Year Flood with lessons about practice: taking care of each other, living through catastrophes despite our precautions, taking responsibility for what matters. Every moment counts and we must not become complacent in our daily comforts. “Do not squander your life” is the final cry we hear at the end of the day in sesshin. Can we truly live this way every day?
[Play] Dogen's Circle of the Way part 4 of 4 [62:03m]: Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download [Play]
Offering multiple perspectives from many fields of human inquiry that may move all of us toward a more integrated understanding of who we are as conscious beings.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Upaya Dharma Podcasts - Dogen’s Circle of the Way parts 3/4 of 4
Here are the last two installments of this cool series of podcasts from Upaya Zen Center.
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