
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Eight Laws of Social Change – Stephan A. Schwartz Ph.D.

I love anything that deals with how people and cultures can change. This comes from the quite cool Spiritual Wiki. There is some other good stuff there too, so check out the site.

Eight Laws of Social Change – Stephan A. Schwartz Ph.D.

Social Change requires wisdom, character, patience, and the willingness to forego any personal credit.

  1. LawIndividuals (individually) and the group (collectively) share a common intention.
  2. LawIndividuals and the group may have goals and cherish the potential outcomes.
  3. LawIndividuals in the group authentically accept that their goal may not be reached in their lifetimes.
  4. LawIndividuals in the group authentically accept that they may not get either credit or acknowledgment for what they have done.
  5. LawEach person in the group regardless of gender, religion, race, or culture enjoys fundamental equality while the various roles in the hierarchy of the effort are respected.
  6. LawIndividuals in the group forswear violence in word, act or thought.
  7. LawIndividuals in the group make their personal lives consistent with their public postures.
  8. LawIndividuals (individually) and the group (collectively) always act from the beingness of integrity.

* Stephan A. Schwartz Ph.D., futurologist, THE POWER – The Eight Laws of Social Change, Powerpoint presentation
* Audio interview with Stephan A. Schwartz Ph.D., The Eight Laws of Social Change, presented by Blogtalkradio Paranormal Perceptions, host Dee Disparti, aired 17. January 2008

Important social changes in USA were abolition, public education, penal reform, women’s suffrage, civil rights, nuclear freeze, environmental protection.

Maybe if our politicians could apply these laws? Check out the podcast link, it's a nice discussion.

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