
Sunday, April 19, 2009

Philosopher's Zone - Hypatia of Alexandria - A Philosophical Martyr

Another podcast I am following - good stuff, especially this one on Hypatia of Alexandria.

Hypatia of Alexandria - a philosophical martyr

Hypatia of Alexandria was beautiful and clever, and, as far we know, never did anybody any harm, so why was she torn to pieces by an angry mob, armed (so some stories tell) with oyster shells? This week, we look at the woman and the heritage of what is probably the longest-standing philosophical tradition in Western civilisation: that rational yet mystical, sometimes Pagan, sometimes Christian, body of doctrines known as Neo-Platonism.

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Christian Wildberg
Professor of Classics
Princeton University
United States

Michael Deakin
Adjunct Senior Research Associate
Department of Mathematics
Monash University

Further Information

Plotinus - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Internet publication)

John Philoponus - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Internet publication)
Written by Christian Wildberg

Elias- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Internet publication)
Written by Christian Wildberg


Title: Hypatia of Alexandria - Mathematician and Martyr
Author: Michael Deakin
Publisher: Prometheus Books (2007)

Title: Against Philoponus on the Eternity of the World
Author: Simplicius (translated by Christian Wildberg)
Publisher: Duckworth (1991)


CD title: Perfurme - The Story of a Murderer
Track title: The Highest Point & The 13th Essence
Artist: Berliner Philharmoniker
Composer: Tom Tykwer
CD details: EMI Classics


Alan Saunders

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