
Thursday, April 02, 2009

All in the Mind - The modern teenager - myth or marvel?

The latest episode of All in the Mind looks at the myth and marvel that is the modern teenager. I am almost daily grateful not to be a parent, and this reminds me why. But it also suggests some of what can make teens amazing beings.

The modern teenager - myth or marvel?

Monosyllabic, messy, self-conscious and sleepy - science now has the tumultuous teenager in its sights. Are they risk-takers with brains still under construction? Or competent adults grossly misinterpreted by modern science? From evolutionary theories to the bright lights of the brain scan - a provocative debate is being waged.

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Transcripts by Wednesdays. Audio directly after Saturday's broadcast.


Irwin Feinberg
Professor of Medical Psychiatry
Psychiatry (School of Medicine)
Sleep Research Laboratory
University of California Davis

Nick Allen
Associate Professor
School of Behavioural Science
Melbourne University
Principal Research Fellow
ORYGEN Youth Health Research Centre

Robert Epstein
Psychologist, author and researcher
Former Editor-in-Chief Psychology Today
Visiting Scholar
University of California San Diego

David Bainbridge
University Clinical Veterinary Anatomist
University of Cambridge

Nick & Lish

Further Information

Natasha Mitchell's All in the Mind Blog post for this program
And your thoughts about the show, by filling out the comment spot under the blog post. Your email address is not made public, and you don't need to add a web address etc.

Rebels & the cause; The Adolescent Brain, broadcast on All in the Mind, ABC Radio National, 2004

Teen Brain, Catalyst ABC TV

How adult are YOU? - Take the test!
Epstein-Dumas Test of Adultness(EDTA)


Title: Teenagers: A Natural History
Author: Dr David Bainbridge
Publisher: Portabello Books, 2009
ISBN978 1 84627 121 2

Title: The Case Against Adolescence; Rediscovering the adult in every teen
Author: Dr Robert Epstein
Publisher: Quill Driver Books, 2007
ISBN 1-884956-70-X

Title: The Myth of the Teen Brain
Author: Dr Robert Epstein
Publisher: Scientific American Mind, April/May 2007

Title: Mismatch; The Lifestyle Diseases Timebomb
Author: Peter Gluckman & Mark Hanson
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 2006
ISBN 978-0-19-922838-6

Title: The Adolescent Brain; A Work in Progress
Author: Daniel R.Weinberger, Brita Elvevåg, Jay N. Giedd
Publisher: The National Campaign to Prevent Teenage Pregnancy, June 2005

Title: Longitudinal trajectories of non-rapid eye movement delta and theta EEG as indicators of adolescent brain maturation
Author: Ian G. Campbell, Irwin Feinberg
Publisher: PNAS Direct Submission March, 2009

Title: Interaction of Parenting Experiences and Brain Structure in the Prediction of Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents
Author: Yap MB, Whittle S, Yücel M, Sheeber L, Pantelis C, Simmons JG,Allen NB
Publisher: Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2008 Dec;65(12):1377-85.

Title: Prefontal and amygdala volumes are related to adolescents' affective behaviours during parent-adolescent interactions
Author: Sarah Whittle, Marie B. H. Yap, Murat Yücel, Alex Fornito, Julian G. Simmons, Anna Barrett, Lisa Sheeber and Nicholas B. Allen
Publisher: PNAS Direct Submission March, 2008

Title: Schizophrenia: Caused by a fault in programmed synaptic elimination during adolescence?
Author: Feinberg I
Publisher: Journal of Psychiatric Research 1982-1983;17(4):319-34

Title: Adolescence: An Anthropological Inquiry
Author: By Alice Schlegel & Herbert Barry III
Publisher: The Free Press, New York, 1991

Title: Crime, Culpability & and the Adolescent Brain
Author: Mary Beckman
Publisher: Science Vol. 305. no. 5684, pp. 596 - 599, July 2004


Natasha Mitchell

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