Here are a selection of recent articles - the archives are packed with good stuff.
If Coach Anderson told you that you could lose fifteen pounds in thirty days, you'd be pretty thrilled, right? Well, time to get excited — here are the diets that'll get the job done in no time flat!
It's New Year's Eve; you want to enjoy all the yummy eats that only come around once a year — and you've worked hard enough to deserve it, right? If not, here's a training plan that'll have you indulging guilt-free.
Understanding the Fat Set-Point: Vol 3
Losing fat was a cinch at 25% body fat, but now that you're just ten pounds away from your goal of 13%, making progress feels impossible! Here's why it's tough — and how to make it easier.
Acai Berry: Nature's Superfruit?
You've heard about the miracles of acai berry from everyone, including Oprah. It's a cureall, it seems — recommended for everything from fat loss, to improving circulation and the immune system. Sheila Veirs explores the facts behind the claims.
Christmas Eats: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Visions of sugar plums dancing in your head? Or is it Christmas cookies, pies, and chocolates that you're seeing? Don't destroy months of hard work for a few minutes of indulgence; make smart food choices this Christmas!
Kiss Bodybuilding Workouts Goodbye!
Got a bodybuilder boyfriend? How about an "arm training" day? Think following a bodybuilder's typical split routine is the most efficient way to a sexy, solid Figure Athlete frame? Think again!
A Figure Athlete has no more than twenty pounds to lose to go from "pudgy" to cut. Can't relate? Got over fifty pounds to lose, just to look like an off-season competitor? There's still hope; and here's proof.
Training hard and eating right are a given in any Figure Athlete's life, but there's a third variable in the ultimate equation for success. If you want to make serious progress, you better know how to recover properly!
FA Approved Lunch and Dinner Options
If you've ever had oatmeal for lunch or egg whites dinner, one thing's clear: Your diet's in dire need of variety. Spice up your meals with these fresh ideas — you'll get leaner and healthier, too!
There seem to be a million ways to lose fat; no wonder you're confused! Alwyn Cosgrove clears the air with a complete guide to fat loss. Guess no more - here's what's worth your time, and what isn't.
The Watch Dog Report: Industry Trainers
All Figure Athletes can benefit from the guidance of an experienced nutritionist. But the industry's full of charlatans who'll charge exuberant amounts of cash for nonsensical diets that'll destroy your health and body. Think you can trust your coach?
Training makes you look great and feel even better, but you're starting to miss those chit-chat get-togethers with friends, most of which have been replaced by quality time with the treadmill. Get your girls in on your fitness kick!
Nothing's quite as rewarding as seeing guys' jaws drop as you keep piling plates onto an already bending squat-rack bar. Consistently beating your PRs feels incredible; especially when all that strength results in a rock-hard, hot physique.
Understanding the Fat Set-Point: Vol 2
Each year, millions of people lose twenty, fifty, or even a hundred pounds; but the sad reality is that most of them will regain it all — and more. Here's why diets don't work.
4 Revolutionary Training Principles for You
Chad Waterbury's known for his radical training concepts, and these four principles are no different. They'll kick your training into high gear and get you on the fast track to that hard, sexy body. has the best information out there. I'm a big fan of their articles and their forums. They're site could us a redesign IMO. The articles for example, it'd be great is members could post comments and reviews directly to the articles vs. posting in the forums.