
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brain Mind Lecture 1: Lobes of the Brain, Limbic System, Language, Aphasia, Consciousness, Agnosia, Denial of Blindness, Unconscious Mind

Great, but geeky, lecture on the brain and it's functions in various elements of our experience. I will post the others in the coming days. The videos assume familiarity with the brain, so apologies to those who aren't up to speed on brain structures.
These are introductory lectures providing an overview of the functional organization of the brain.

The video constitutes one of six Brain Mind Introductory Lectures, posted on youtube, each providing an introductory overview of the functional organization of the brain. To reduce confusion, all CT images have been reversed so damage on the left appears on the left, and right sided damage appear on the right. For a detailed presentation I recommend one of the best neuroscience texts of all time: the 2nd edition of Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, Clinical Neuroscience, by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.

Dr. Rhawn Joseph has published major scientific discoveries in prestigious scientific journals and has published several highly acclaimed "best selling" advanced post-graduate textbooks.

In the 1970s he proved/discovered 1) the role of early environmental influences on learning, memory, attention, and impulse control, 2) the role of sex hormones and the lack of sex hormones on sex differences in behavior, cognition, learning, memory, and spatial ability, 3) neurplasticity and recovery of function in the primate brain and is considered one of the founding fathers of the field of Developmental Neuropsychology.

Dr. Joseph also published major scientific discoveries on "split-brain" functioning and the duality of consciousness. He coined the term "limbic language." His theory of language first published and featured on the cover of the 1983 Journal of Clinical Psychology, has been widely accepted and scientifically verified and numerous scientists now claim the theory as theory as their own.

Dr. Joseph's scholarly articles and monographs have been reprinted by major universities and medical schools, including Harvard, have been translated and republished by foreign scientific journals, and he has been invited to speak at the University of Geneva, Brigham Young University, the University of Japan, Santa Clara University, and the University of California at Berkeley.

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