
Friday, September 05, 2008

Return to Normalcy, Sort Of

Alrighty then, I'm back among the wired. Feeling like an addict getting a much-needed fix.

Still much to do with unpacking, mostly books and no place to put them -- Hello Ikea! But that will have to wait until my girlfriend can go with me -- she has all the decoration sense, I just go for functional.

I'm sitting at a cheap card table (fold up variety) and I miss my desk (which was put to a merciful death due to old age and generally lack of functionality) -- strange how we can get so dependent on a certain atmosphere for work. It feels all wrong to be sitting here, the keyboard too high, the monitor too low. But change is good. I now will be blogging while sitting in front of a window that looks out (beyond the parking lot) on some nice desert.

I hope to slowly get back to a more regular schedule with blogging, but we'll see how that works out. In the meantime, please check in with my FriendFeed links, where I collect items of interest that I have no time to blog about.

1 comment:

  1. good to know that you're doing great after the move. man, you've missed a lot of online heckling during the RNC :)

    see you around.

