
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Brilliant Blogs

My friend Isabella nominated IOC as a brilliant blog, for which I am honored and appreciative. It's nice to be noticed, and especially to be noticed by a person/blogger I deeply respect.

So now my job is to nominate seven other blogs for this award. Tough to narrow it down to just seven when I read and enjoy so many blogs.

Awardees, when you read this post, here is what you are invited to do:

  1. add the logo of the award to your blog
  2. add a link to the person who awarded it to you
  3. nominate at least 7 other blogs
  4. add links to those blogs on your blog
  5. leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
So, on to the list:

, always interesting and one of my favorite bloggers
Danny Fisher, compassionate and fun to read
DatingGod, Katherine is one of the most interesting people on the web
hokai's blogue, Hokai exemplifies integral Buddhist blogging
The Daily Goose, Matthew is one of the most intelligent men I know
Buddhist Geeks, the best podcast on the web
Psychology, Transformation & Freedom Papers,


  1. Thank you, William. That's high praise coming from you.

  2. thanks for the good word. i'm spreading the good karma on my blog ;)


  3. that was a quick reaction, william!

    the great thing is that i know that a brilliant blogger like you will only recommend the highest quality blogs, so i can't wait to get to know them.

    and i'm off!

  4. Hello William,

    what a wonderful surprise to wake up to this morning (some 8 hours before you wake up in Tucson...)

    I decided to wait on thanking you for nominating me until I had done my own article about this, and that only happened a short time ago.

    Thank you so much! High praise indeed from someone with your blog...

    All the best from suny Spain,


  5. i'm so flattered . . . and so happy to amuse and provoke . . . thought? guffaws? emotional rubbernecking? flabbergastedness at the wild tales from the psychic front?

    and i'm honored . . because you are such a net connoisseur . . . :)
