
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Dharma Talk: Seeing Through the Illusion by Nyogen Yeo Roshi

Presented by Tricycle. A great dharma teaching by Nyogen Yeo Roshi on the ancient Tibetan master Marpa the translator.
William Nyogen Yeo Roshi is a successor of Maezumi Roshi, who brought Japanese Zen to the United States in 1956. By the time of his death nearly 40 years later, Maezumi Roshi was widely considered the foremost Zen master of the century. Nyogen Roshi was the last of only a dozen students authorized by Maezumi Roshi to succeed him as a teacher. Nyogen Roshi studied with Maezumi Roshi for 27 years.

For more information, please visit Hazy Moon Zen Center.

There are several other teachings embedded in this video.

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