
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Daily Dharma - A Profound and Challenging Teacher

This was Tuesday's Daily Dharma from Tricycle, and a great reminder that the dharma can be practiced in every moment of our lives, not just on the cushion.
A Profound and Challenging Teacher

The present moment is the most profound and challenging teacher we will ever meet in our lives. It is a compassionate teacher, it extends to us no judgment, no censure, no measurement of success and failure. The present moment is a mirror, in its reflection we learn how to see. Learning how to look into this mirror without deluding ourselves is the source of all wisdom. In this mirror we see what contributes to the confusion and discord in our lives and what contributes to harmony and understanding. We see the relationship between pain and its cause on a moment-to-moment level, we see the bond between love and its source. We see what it is that connects us and what it is that alienates us.

~ Christina Feldman and Jack Kornfield, Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart
from Everyday Mind, edited by Jean Smith, a Tricycle book

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