
Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cornel West - To Be a Leftist in the 21st Century

I like Cornel West. I quite often disagree with him, but he always makes me think critically about my beliefs.

This video is sure to earn the derision of conservatives, but that's cool. I think he makes some good points here.



  1. I'm sorry, but this is just plain dumb. There is not even one single argument in this video, all he does is say nice things about leftists, identifying them with all that's good, and the rightists with all that's bad.
    That is just so typical, and so dumb, I don't even have the will to argue.

  2. It seems fairly clear, Jups, that you didn't actually watch the entire video, since Professor West goes so far as to call the Democratic Party "visionless and spineless" -- is that really identifying the Left with all that's good?

    One might call Professor West many things -- highly emotional, verging on sentimental, defiantly radical -- but dumb is not one many would agree with. He has a vast comprehension of the history of the United States -- one that would take most of us a lifetime of intensive study to even approach -- but how he interprets that might differ from your POV.

    This speech also has to be viewed in context: that is, it was not given to conservatives in order to sway them but to other Leftists who already agree with West, and was focused on what an appropriate agenda should be at this juncture. Given that, your critique itself makes no sense.

    Professor West's identification of a core problem in America today -- the fashionableness of being indifferent to other people's suffering -- seems to me quite astute. The question of how to change that remains problematic however and without satisfactory answers so far . . .
