
Friday, March 07, 2008

New Poem: Love Poem III

Love Poem III

Don't look, she said, and I mistake
the directive, not wanting to look down
from this height, as though hovering
high above the city's roofs,
as though our bodies have learned
the subtlety of eluding gravity,
how to breathe outside its domain,
that in the polarity of flesh and flesh
some magic is unleashed
more powerful than all the laws
of nature, and yet nothing
is more natural, the raw scent
of two bodies joined, seemingly outside
the sorrow of time, so high, so tangled
in these bed sheets . . . . Don't look,
she said, and I notice her blushing,
that I shouldn't watch her dress
after having seen into her heart,
seen into and through her eyes,
this woman who untethered me,
who assisted our ascent,
this spirit in woman's skin
who is just a little shy.

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