
Friday, August 10, 2007

Gratitude 8/10/07

Some things I am grateful for today:

1) The monsoon. We had an amazing microburst storm tonight knocked out the power for a couple of hours. I love the heavy rain and wind that comes with these storms, even when I lose power.

2) A light day at work. I had a lot of free time today to read and nap -- much needed.

3) A new poem (what else am I gonna do without power?):


The door is ajar; an accident,
perhaps, or by design.
Who is to say?

Through the slightest opening
darkness creeps in
with the stealth of a cat
stalking a spider,
so very quiet,
sure to create disturbance.

The room is lit by candles,
soft glow, a warm radiance
of concentration.

Something is about to happen
in the confluence of light
and dark, an awakening
or descent. Who's to know?

Only the rhythm of breath
will decide, and even then,
no one will witness
the stormy aftermath.

What are you grateful for today?

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