These are very brief tests and are not meant to be definitive in any way. Their purpose is to introduce a few of the most common subpersonalities with which many of us deal. If you score highly on a given test, it simply means that you might have this subpersonality and that you might want to look more closely at how that functions in your life.
For each test, I will not tell you what sub is involved until after you answer the questions. This is meant to reduce any possible bias that could arise if you know what the questions are looking for before answering.
Before answering each set of questions, take a deep breath, clear your mind, and try to answer as honestly as possible. You might want to make some notes as you answer each set of questions, especially for those subs you seem to resonate with. If one or more of these feel important in your life, take a few moments to note any reactions, associations, or memories that come up in response to that particular subpersonality before moving on the next set of questions.
For each question, add the score (0-3) and then see how the total scores at the end.
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(1) Do you like answering questionnaires?
0 - Yes, if they make sense
1 - Not very much
2 - I think questionnaires are boring
3 - I hate all questionnaires
(2) What do you think of being grown up?
0 - It's alright, quite normal
1 - I sometimes resent the demands
2 - I don't know if I want to be grown up
3 - I don't like being grown up
(3) Do you feel as if you are creative?
0 - Not really, no more than anyone else
1 - Occasionally I do
2 - I can be creative when I want to
3 - Yes
(4) How much of the time are you bored?
0 - Not often at all
1 - Some of the time
2 - Quite often
3 - Very often
(5) How important is it to you to have fun?
0 - Sometimes, as a contrast to real life
1 - I like to have a fair amount
2 - It is important
3 - It is very important
This test is to discover whether you have a Free Child subpersonality.
0-5 You do not have much in the way of a Free Child at all, and this may make you rather staid and boring. Why not try to cultivate your Free Child a bit more?
6-10 You do have a Free Child, and it is in a modest position, not too suppressed and not too wild. Cultivate it wisely.
11-15 You do have a Free Child subpersonality, and it is very well developed. Just watch out that it does not take over too much.
The Free Child is quite spontaneous and knows how to have a good time and enjoy life. This can be a great source of joy and liveliness if not disowned as too dangerous. This child is often creative and likes to explore the world. Curiosity, fun, spontaneity, and creativity are the key traits of this sub. This sub is sometimes known as the wild child or simply as the inner child, but the inner child can take many forms (and each of us
may hold several of them), so it is important to be a little more specific.
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(1) Do you think that you are basically an impostor, and that if people really knew you, they would not be taken in by your apparent successes?
0 - No
1 - Only occasionally
2 - Sometimes
3 - Most of the time
(2) Do you think it is better to discount your own abilities, because then pride does not lead to a fall?
0 - No
1 - I sometimes feel like this
2 - Yes, modesty is a good thing
3 - Sometimes I think I do it too much
(3) "If things are going too well, I worry about what is going to happen next to spoil it all." Do you agree?
0 - No
1 - Only rarely
2 - Sometimes
3 - Usually
(4) "I feel I can't do anything right at all." How often do you feel like this?
0 - Never
1 - Occasionally
2 - Sometimes
3 - Often
(5) "Life is hard and always will be hard. Basically you can't win." Do you agree?
0 - No
1 - Occasionally
2 - Sometimes
3 - Yes
(6) Do you find yourself blaming yourself or criticizing yourself for what you have done?
0 - No
1 - Maybe once or twice
2 - Sometimes
3 - Yes, often
This test is to discover whether you have an Inner Critic subpersonality.
0-6 You do not have an Inner Critic, or if you it is well hidden or under control.
7-12 You do have an Inner Critic, but it does not cause too much trouble, and you can probably life with it.
13-18 You have a problem with your Inner Critic, and need to do some work to correct this, otherwise it will make your life miserable.
I've written a lot about the Inner Critic (see the sidebar). This is the sub that tells us how we got it wrong. It is extremely acute and notices everything that can make us feel rotten about ourselves or make us look bad in front of other people. It loves to use its power. It can combine and cooperate with other subpersonalities very well. This is one of the hardest subs to work with because it is often smarter and more sophisticated than we give it credit for.
* * * * *
(1) Do you like answering questionnaires?
0 - I hate questionnaires
1 - Not very much -- sometimes I do
2 - I think questionnaires are interesting
3 - I love questionnaires
(2) If someone asks for directions will you tell them the way, even if you don't know for sure?
0 - No
1 - Very rarely I might
2 - Quite often, yes
3 - Every time
(3) Somebody you value asks you the answer to a question. You know you have the answer somewhere at home. How long would you go on looking for it if you could not find at first?
0 - Half an hour or less
1 - More than half an hour but less than an hour
2 - More than an hour but less than two hours
3 - More than two hours
(4) Someone asks you the time. What do you say?
0 - It's about a quarter to four
1 - It's three forty-six
2 - It's fifteen forty-six
3 - It's fifteen forty-six and thirty seconds
(5) "Every problem has an answer." Do you agree?
0 - No
1 - I hope it's true, but I'm not sure
2 - Probably
3 - Definitely
This is to discover if you have a Little Professor subpersonality.
0-5 You do not have a Little Professor, and there is no particular reason why you should.
6-10 You do have a Little Professor, but this part of you is quite well under control. Watch out for it taking over any more.
11-15 Your Little Professor is a little too well developed and could cause you trouble. See if there is some action you can take to reduce its influence.
The Little Professor has to have the answer for everything and is willing to jump to conclusions in the absence of evidence from which to base an answer. There can be more than one form of this sub, and it may look slightly different in different people. If this is a compulsive behavior, it can become a problem, otherwise it is not harmful.
* * * * *
(1) "I treat people as equals. If they seem to be putting themselves down, this brings them up. If they seem to be putting on airs, it brings them down to the level." Is this what you do?
0 - Wish I could do that
1 - Perhaps occasionally I can
2 - Yes, quite often I do
3 - Yes, all of the time
(2) "Power and control are good when applied to things, but they are not good in relation to people." Do you agree?
0 - No, people need and like to be controlled
1 - I think there has to be some power and control exercised
2 - I like to play down power and control in my dealings with people
3 - Yes, I totally agree
(3) "There is nothing we can give each other which is better than the truth." Do you agree?
0 - No, there has to be some color and imagination in the world
1 - The truth is not always the best thing
2 - I am inclined to believe it
3 - Yes, I agree
(4) If someone asks you for directions will you tell them the way even if you don't know for sure?
0 - Every time
1 - Quite often, yes
2 - Very rarely I might
3 - No
(5) If you say you will do something, do you keep your word?
0 - Yes, unless something more exciting comes up
1 - Yes, unless there is good reason not to
2 - Yes, unless something unforeseen prevents me
3 - Yes
This test is to discover if you have an Adult subpersonality.
0-5 You do not have much in the way of an Adult subpersonality, and this may make you hard to relate to. Why not try to cultivate your Adult a bit more?
6 -10 You do have an Adult, and it is in a modest position, not too suppressed. Cultivate it wisely.
11-15 You have a well developed Adult. Be careful that it does not take over too much or become too exclusive.
The Adult subpersonality values responsibility, fairness, and authenticity. It can take the form of the dominant parent in some ways, but more idealized. It tends to be a little rigid at times and may team up with the critic and/or the pusher to make us more responsible. Some people confuse this with the core self or aware ego, which it certainly is not. It also should not be confused with the nurturing parent because this is not its role.
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There are more of these to come (I can only sit so long before my Free Child gets bored with all this typing). This is a good place to get started. I welcome comments and suggestions, realizing fully that these questions that Rowan offers are not always the best (and may be a bit culturally biased -- he is British).
According to this, I have all these subpersonalities, but they are all in good regulation. However, I can't believe this is going on, because I am completely neurotic. There must be a flaw in the test...