
Thursday, March 22, 2007

David Lynch on Understanding His Films

This is from a BBC article on Lynch posted today:

He added that his advice to people who may find the plot hard to understand - is to rely on what he called "inner knowing".

"I would say that I think they understand more than they give themselves credit for," he said.

"We have this thing called intuition, and we intuit things, and it's an inner knowing. When things get abstract, this can kick in. Words fail, but this is another kind of knowing."
Here is the first trailer for INLAND EMPIRE:

And here is Lynch talking about Transcendental Meditation, which may be how he has developed his intuitive sense of the absurd:


  1. Checkout this event if you're interested in David's work.

    The second annual Lynch Weekend will be hosted on the Maharishi University of Management campus in Fairfield, Iowa on May 25-27.

  2. Hi There,

    Thanks for your post on David Lynch, I have been a fan of his for some time, and have noticed some his views poking through his works although in a somewhat insidious way. I just recently learned of his practice of transcendental meditation, now everything makes sense. Anyway I also have a blog and it would be great if we could link to each others blogroll.
