
Monday, January 15, 2007

Speedlinking 1/15/07

Quote of the day:

"The National Rifle Association says, 'Gun's don't kill people. People do'. But I think the gun helps."
~ Eddie Izzard

Image of the day:

~ Be True To Your Heart With A Handful Of Almonds -- Or walnuts.
~ Tips To Lose Weight And Keep It Off -- An experience-based approach based on those who have done it.
~ What I Learned in 2006 -- Some good advice from Eric Cressey at T-Nation.
~ Not So Strange Bedfellows: Menopause And High Cholesterol -- "Denise Janosik, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine at Saint Louis University School of Medicine, warns that women entering menopause have something else to worry about: increasing cholesterol levels."
~ Soluble fiber and insoluble fiber -- Defining the terms.
~ You can still eat out and stay healthy.
~ Overtraining: Know the warning signs -- Overtraining is seldom an issue unless you are working out every day or have health issues, but it still is good to know the warning signs.
~ Diet, exercise work for older obese adults too -- You're never too old, just ask my 85 year old client who has cut his bodyfat in half in a year (from 48% to 25%).
~ Why dieters are doomed on Tuesdays -- "What’s the most popular day of the week to start a diet? Monday, of course. But do you know which day is killer for most weight-loss plans? Food marketing expert Dr. Brian Wansink explains why deprivation diets are doomed."

~ Coercion As Cure: A Critical History Of Psychiatry -- A critical look at psychiatry.
~ Bilingualism can delay dementia -- More proof that an active brain delays dementia.
~ Psychosis and Delusions -- "Psychotic microepisodes are common in certain personality disorders, most notably the Borderline and Schizotypal."
~ Depression And Heart Attacks -- "Recovering emotionally from a heart attack is vitally important to your physical health and well-being."
~ Chronic Headache Coincides with Depression Risk.
~ Loved up through the power of hypnosis -- You can get an MDMA (x-stacy, X, or Ecstasy) high through hypnosis, and without the death of serotonin cells in the brain. Let's roll.
~ Harmony of the Hemispheres: Left/Right Cerebral Asymmetry [Developing Intelligence] -- An excellent post.

~ Sexual Discrimination In Research Undermines Women's Health -- "The evidence base of medicine may be fundamentally flawed because of an ongoing failure of research to include gender differences in study design and analysis, according to an article published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine."
~ HOW BELIEVABLE WAS BUSH'S IRAQ SPEECH? Watch How Focus Groups Rated the Speech in Real Time [Framing Science] -- Interesting post.
~ Higher Homicide Rates In States With Higher Levels Of Gun Ownership -- See the quote of the day above.
~ Lawsuit Questions VA's "Voluntary" Spiritual Assessment -- "A federal judge has ruled that the Madison, Wisconin Department of Veterans' Affairs does not violate the separation of church and state by its use of religion in treatment. Last week, U.S District Judge John Shabaz dismissed a suit brought by the Madison chapter of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, saying that the use of religion is helpful in the healing process and does not violate the Constitution when it is voluntary." Personally, I think this is good news.
~ The collapse of the Bush presidency poses risks -- Glenn Greenwald makes an interesting argument.
~ Baby Boomers: What's Next in Life?
~ Free Secondary Education Unveiled in Uganda.

~ Spread Of Modern Humans Occurred Later Than Previously Thought, Profs Say -- "The spread of modern humans out of Africa occurred 40,000 to 50,000 years later than previously thought, according to researchers including one Texas A&M University anthropologist. Ted Goebel, associate director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans at Texas A&M, is the author of the paper titled 'The Missing Years for Modern Humans.'"
~ Commuter Rail vs. Population Density.
~ Heavy Discussions about New Media -- "It’s more than silly lipsynching videos, movie trailer mash-ups, YouTube, citizen journalism, video-blogging, and the birth of a brand new independent art movement. Online video is all those things but it’s also forging the path for new media."
~ Worldwatch: Our Urban Future -- "By the end of this decade, there will be nearly 3.5 billion city-dwellers."
~ The Doomsday Clock is About to Move! The What? -- We are a little closer to blowing up the earth.
~ Sustainable Developments: Moving beyond Kyoto.
~ Feature Article: The Universe's Invisible Hand -- "Dark energy does more than hurry along the expansion of the universe. It also has a stranglehold on the shape and spacing of galaxies."

~ The Authentic Third Tier from Indistinct Union. Personally, I'm not convinced that Wilber knows what he's talking about with this 3rd tier stuff. He stole the tier idea from Graves/SD, but rejects the structure that Graves proposed.
~ Manifesting Through Intention from Gary at Integral Seattle.
~ Will the REAL Evolution Debate Please Stand Up! -- An interesting post from ~C4Chaos.
~ From Bob at Dust: Sam Harris and Integral Theory -- This post is part of an interesting discussion we've been having at the I-I pod at Zaadz. Check it out -- we're all over the place, but mostly discussing Sam Harris, Buddhism, and integral theory.
~ The Descent of Spirit -- An interesting post from Robert Godwin.

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