
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Speedlinking 12/21/06

Happy Winter Solstice!

~ Fat children dodge scales in national obesity survey -- Would you want it pointed out in front of your peers that you are fat?
~ Scientists Link Weight to Gut Bacteria -- Wow, how many germs are they eating? Seriously, this is a chiken and egg question that the study doesn't answer.
~ Androgen therapy may slow progress of Alzheimer's disease -- Yet another use for good old testosterone.
~ Newer, Stronger Health Warnings on Tylenol, Aspirin -- Ditch the Tylenol unless you don't mind having kidneys that don't work. This is ABC's version of the story: Are Your Painkillers Actually Killing You?
~ The Amazing Uses for ChapStick -- This is cool -- a new way to deal with nicks while shaving.
~ Metabolic Syndrome found in adolescents.
Lower saturated fat with dietary fiber. Fiber also controls blood sugar, so more is better.

~ Poll: Stress knows few boundaries. And I was sure it couldn't find its way up the stairs.
~ Laughter: It's Catching -- Love those mirror neurons.
~ The Violent Brain in new SciAmMind.
~ Ungrounded Dispositions -- a new metaphysics blog.
~ David Chalmers reviews Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism, edited by Torin Alter and Sven Walter.
~ Neuroscience and Free Will -- The Economist thinks that neuroscience is eroding free will.

~ Alleviating Human Suffering One Hug at a Time -- "Thousands Line Up for Blessing From 'Hugging Saint'."
~ Racist and Sexist Humor -- "Racist and sexist humor was supposed to have been finished off by new sensitivity, critiques of it, and the new concern with not offending others. Didn't happen."
~ Tabling Science -- "The Union of Concerned Scientists is going on the offensive in the Bush administration's war on science with a campaign that includes a handy "table of elements" detailing the government's information manipulation."
~ What Drives Media Slant? Not a light read at 66 pages.
~ Conquistadors of the Senses. " Anti-gay referenda are just one of many legacies of the European invaders."
~ From Beliefnet:
Is America Really a 'Christian Nation'?

~ How Monsanto Poisons Science at the Cost of Your Health -- Mercola is a bit of an extremist, but he generally makes good points.
~ Surgical Robots Get a Sense of Touch -- Strangely, I think I'd rather have a fallible human.
~ Virgin Birth Expected at Christmas . . . . by a Komodo Dragon, that is.
~ Odd Gamma-Ray Burst Points to New Form of Stellar Suicide.
~ Social and environmental entrepreneurs have a lot to teach big business.
~ Boston will require new large buildings to meet green building standards.

~ Alan Kazlev reports on some drama at the Ken Wilber Wikipedia page: Wilber fundamentalist on Wikipedia?
~ From Sean at Deep Surface: Definitions of self.
~ From Tim Boucher at Pop Occulture Blog: As The Spirit Moves You -- not quite integral but interesting.
~ Matthew Dallman likes Robert Godwin's blog: THE "ONE COSMOS" BLOG.
~ A bit more personal a post from Joe at Until: Today's integral practice: fungal cell membrane synthesis.

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