
Monday, December 11, 2006

Speedlinking 12/11/06

This morning's image is just disturbing in so many ways -- from National Geographic:

Apparently, bats have the longest tongues of any mammal, including Gene Simmons.

On that weird bit of trivia, Happy Monday!

~ Exercise Programs Enhance Physical Function In The Elderly.
~ Sports Formulated Jelly Beans Just As Effective As Sports Drinks, Gels In Improving Exercise Performance. Great, sports candy, just what an ignorant public needs.
~ Lose the vices to lose the weight. A good approach.
~ Babystep #20 — Eliminate soda consumption.
~ Tips For People With Diabetes To Manage Holidays With Ease.

~ From James at Buddhist Blog: Enlightenment is Always Present.
~ Mixed Messages: "Proponents say they offer 'support,' but a Stanford University study finds that patients who visited pro-anorexia Web sites were sicker longer."
~ Low Self-esteem? Avoid Crime Novels With Surprise Endings. Interesting study -- seems obvious when you think about it.
~ Through the eyes of a psychopath: "A recent brain imaging study has suggested that criminal psychopaths do not show the normal neurological reaction to seeing fear in other people's faces."
~ A Comprehensive Theory of Religious Cognition.
~ New Research Suggests Oxytocin's Potential For Treatment Of Two Core Autism Symptom Domains.
~ Bad Habits: Why We Can't Stop.

~ From Tricycle Blog: Tibet, Now: Same Old, Same Old.
~ Why It's Dangerous For the Maverick To Be the...Front Runner. A look at McCain the GOP leader in waiting.
~ Holy Family Values: "The world into which Jesus was born and raised has shaped morals for two millennia. How Jewish mores became Christianity's customs."
~ 'A Call to Action' -- Eight years after losing her son to a hate crime, Matthew Shepard’s mother is fighting harder than ever for gay rights.
~ Book By Binghamton University Psychology Professor Focuses On Terrorism. Book argues that terrorism is nothing new in America.
~ Nationalism is not Patriotism.
~ Christopher Hitchens reviews GODLESS: The Church of Liberalism, by Ann Coulter.
Sex-Based Roles Gave Modern Humans an Edge, Study Says.

~ Green With Enviable Info. US News and World Report looks at Worldchanging: A User's Guide for the 21st Century.
~ Choose Your Own Bio-Adventure: Three perspectives on the biofuels debate.
~ NYT: Greater Role for Nonscientists in E.P.A. Pollution Decisions.
~ Turns out poor people live in the environment too.
~ HIV, Malaria Fuel Each Other's Spread, Study Says.
~ How Plankton Affect the Climate. "Warming oceans have slowed the growth of phytoplankton, the microscopic plants that form the basis of the oceanic food chain."

~ Edward Berge proposes that those who have left I-I or are otherwise critical of the situation there should start their own integral organization.
~ Gary Stamper of Integral Seattle offers some opinions on the recent bout of KW/I-I criticism.
~ Gary also has some thoughts on Visionary and Practical Leadership: both/and.
~ Paul Salamone has some thoughts on the New Frank Visser post re: I-I. This echoes Berge's idea.


  1. A true and loyal friend tells a leader what he or she needs to hear, not what the leader wants to hear.

    It is good that KW is out of the woods. However this should not distract from the many concerns expressed about internal affiars at II just before KW took ill.

    Those issues remain real.

    Reality is that, which when ignored, does not go away.

  2. I agree -- no one is really suggesting we ignore the issues -- only that we not kick a man while he is down. If we are to express our concerns, we should do so when KW can respond if he is so moved. Mr. Frazee would agree I think, and he has the most to offer in this discussion.

