
Friday, December 29, 2006

More "Best of" Lists

Top ten films of the year from James Rocchi at Cinematical. The Departed didn't make the list, which makes me skeptical.

For a bit of good news, Top 10 Wildlife Conservation Success Stories of 2006, brought to us by

And finally, I found this list on one of the social networking sites. The Rolling Stone Greatest 500 Albums of All Time. I must say the list seems a little tilted toward the sixties and seventies, maybe reflecting the tastes of the editors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bill,
    I'm with you. The Departed NEEDS to be on that list. Amazing movie. I'm glad Brick made it; I greatly enjoyed that one too. And Pan's Labyrinth is on my list to see asap, as it was just released today.
