~ Diet Can Provide Protection Against Development Of Certain Cancers.
~ Aspirin May Cut Head and Neck Cancer Risk.
~ Taste buds key to Thanksgiving — and health. "How we taste involves complex interaction of nose, brain and more."
~ Another Boost For Stem Cell Research. "University of New South Wales academics have proven that tumors can be prevented from forming when embryonic stem cells are transplanted."
~ Brits Killed by Stiff Upper Lip: Stoicism Keeps Patients From Seeking Help for Heart Attacks.
~ Kids Are More Perceptive Than Adults Think. "Where it was once believed that the minds of young children are absolutely impressionable and open to all sorts of manipulation, a new study caps a long series clearly illustrating that children as young as 4 can distinguish fact from fiction more effectively than previously thought."
~ Women are diagnosed with PTSD more than men. "Trauma response varies not only from men to women, but between individuals therefore sophisticated diagnosis tools are needed."
~ Fear Helps You See Better. "The study of the influence of emotion on cognition and perception has really taken off over the last decade or so, which is a good thing, because cognitive psychologists pretty much ignored emotion for a long time, so we have some catching up to do."
~ Why Music Gives Us the Chills.
~ Sweet Young Things? No Thanks, I'm a Chimp. Seems male chimps like older women.
~ From Steve Pavlina, Manifesting Intentions Without Resistance.
~ On Atheists, Agnostics and Dawkins.
~ Have you ever considered atheism?
~ George Bush cursed by an Indonesian witch doctor. Cool.
~ Christmas & Consumerism.
~ White House Brushes Off CIA Report on Iran. Why does that seem so familiar?
~ Bill and Hillary Clinton’s War Plan. This article takes an interesting look at her possible run for the White House -- by Jonathan Alter with Eleanor Clift.
~ From Ryan at Integral Awakening: Jed McKenna and Buddhism.
~ Groups unite to condemn Japanese dolphin slaughter.
~ New Study Lists Top 10 Earthquake States. The list is based on the greatest intensity achieved each year.
- Alaska, 6.70
- California, 6.02
- Nevada, 5.11
- Hawaii, 5.00
- Washington, 4.97
- Wyoming, 4.67
- Idaho, 4.57
- Montana, 4.47
- Utah, 4.29
- Oregon, 4.24
~ Do We All Have To Live Like Hippies in the Woods to Save this Damn Earth?
~ Meatpackers Challenge An Agribiz Giant.
~ From Andrew Cohen: Creating the Future, Together.
~ From Alan Kazlev at Visser's Integral World: The Integral Movement.
~ From ~c4Chaos: Four Simple Assumptions.
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