
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Speaking of Faith: The Heart's Reason, Hinduism and Science

A bit about Speaking of Faith:
Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett is public radio's conversation about religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas. Each week, Tippett probes the myriad ways in which religious impulses inform every aspect of life and culture, nationally and globally. Speaking of Faith fills an important and neglected need in American media by addressing the intellectual and spiritual content of religion head-on, illuminating the ideas and practices that form the headlines from the inside.
There's more info at the site.

Their November 9th broadcast was called The Heart's Reason: Hinduism and Science. You can download the podcast from the site. Here is a promo blurb:
You wouldn't know it from headlines about school board controversies and best-selling books called The God Delusion, but a rich global dialogue is taking place between religious thinkers and scientists of many disciplines. A Hindu physicist is a voice in that dialogue. He explores the spirituality of Hinduism and the great tradition of science through the intersection of the two in his life.
This is good, give it a listen if you have some time.

Here are some essays by V.V. Raman, the subject of the interview:

» Indic Visions in an Age of Science: Origins and Ends
» Numbers in Religions
» Dissonance, Bi-sonance and Consonance
» Why in Science and Religion

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