
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Speedlinking 8/30/06

~ Image of the day is from ohhhsunshine at deviantART. I'm a sucker for colorful textures, especially in nature. [That's a hint to any of the five or six people (besides John, whose amazing work I already know) who read this blog and also happen to be photographers.]

~ ProBlogger has some tips for those of you who want to become professional bloggers -- and there are people hiring in this growing field.

~ Matthew Dallman posted a Camille Paglia quote from the first issue of Wired. She advocates using film to teach everything from sex ed to sex roles, to Lacan and Foucault. Again, I am reminded why I stood in the rain for an hour to see her at Elliot Bay Books way back when.

~ MD also posts a link to an article my partner Kira wrote back in December: Art as Mindfulness. Major thanks to him for the kind plug.

~ Chris Cowan and Natasha Todorvic at Humergence conduct an interesting interview with Geoff Falk on gurus. I really don't much like Falk, but this is interesting history on the man behind the rage.

~ ~C4Chaos posts a link to a YouTube video of Ken Wilber talking about staging a 2nd-tier revolution.

~ For those of you who enjoy pointless vulgarity (not safe for work, or for children, or for those who are sentitive to swearing, rock star behavior, mysogyny, or drug and alcohol references), The Zero Boss posts a link to a drunken Kelly Clarkson - Uncensored.

~ ebuddha of Integral Practice offers some of his finds at YouTube. Among them you will find some Wilco videos.

~ Bush is closing public access to all the EPA libraries -- this according to This is simply insane. It's being explained as a budget move. Uh-huh. Couldn't possibly have anythingt to do with global warming, environmental pollution by industry, or anything else Bush and his corporate buddies want to keep hidden.

~ On a similar topic, Washington state's glaciers are melting. This sucks:

At Mount Rainier, which has more glacial ice than the rest of the Cascades combined and is among the best studied sites in the nation, the area covered by glaciers shrank by more than a fifth from 1913 to 1994, and the volume of the glaciers by almost one-fourth, the National Park Service says. From 1912 to 2001, the Nisqually Glacier on Mount Rainier retreated nearly a mile.

Since the first stirrings of the Industrial Revolution 150 years ago, glaciers in the northern Cascades have shrunk by 40 percent, and the pace is accelerating. The South Cascades Glacier, one of the most studied in the nation, has lost roughly half its mass since 1928.

In the Olympic Mountains, glaciers have lost about one-third of their mass.

~ Meanwhile, Donald Rumsfeld lives in an alternate universe where criticizing the failed war in Iraq -- which was just plain wrong from day one -- makes one complicit with the terrorists, who were never even in Iraq until we destabilized the country and created the best training ground for terrorists on the planet. He "likened critics of the Bush administration's war strategy to those who tried to appease the Nazis in the 1930s." Sure, Don, whatever you say. Thank god for karma.

~ In what may be a somewhat, tengentally related story, Fox News ratings are down -- a lot -- while CNN and MSNBC are up. Could it be true? Is America waking from the trance it has been in since 9/11?

~ P2P Foundation posts on Celebrating participatory culture, which means open access music in this case.

~ ~C4Chaos quotes Michael Strong on how Zaadz might be the re-emergence of tribal mind in a post-industrial world. I'm extrapolating here, but as some post-modern, relativist groups have to deal with those who are not sufficiently socialized, they might seek the safety of tribal mind, and possibly even the revolutionary energy of egoic power-drives. This simple realization that not all views are equal and the need to act on it might be what generates the push into integral thinking.

~ Finally, if you want to what GenNext is all about, "a professor and public affairs director at Beloit College in Wisconsin [has] prepared a "Mindset List" for the school's professors, clergy and other faculty so they might understand the "world view" of incoming freshmen." Here are the first ten:
1. The Soviet Union has never existed and therefore is about as scary as the student union.
2. They have known only two presidents.
3. For most of their lives, major U.S. airlines have been bankrupt.
4. Manuel Noriega has always been in jail in the U.S.
5. They have grown up getting lost in "big boxes."
6. There has always been only one Germany.
7. They have never heard anyone actually "ring it up" on a cash register.
8. They are wireless, yet always connected.
9. A stained blue dress is as famous to their generation as a third-rate burglary was to their parents'.
10. Thanks to pervasive headphones in the back seat, parents have always been able to speak freely in the front.
And that's a wrap.

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