
Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Tuesday

Happy Be Kind To Humankind Week, Today Is “Touch-a-Heart Tuesday” :

Happy “Be Kind to Humankind Week”! Today we celebrate Touch-a-Heart Tuesday! Tell those you love “I love you”….Write them a note if you have trouble saying it! Send an uplifting card to a down-hearted friend…Give an elderly relative a call, she or he will be thrilled to hear from you!!!! Please click below for additional suggestions…and remember “WE LOVE YOU”!



Touch-a-Heart Tuesday is your time to practice patience, consideration towards others, and safe driving habits every single day!

Please visit our Touch-a-Heart Tuesday page to view some suggestions to make your day better also, download a positive news story.

View our previous days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Here are their suggestions for Touch a Heart Tuesday:

Touch-a-Heart Tuesday is a great day to take the opportunity to show your love towards others. Just like the old 60’s tune goes “Put a little love in your heart” stands very true even to this day. After all, love is eternal and a little bit of love goes a long way!

Here are some suggestions to make your Touch-A-Heart Tuesday better:

1. Tell those that you love, “I love you”.

2. Mail an uplifting card to someone down in the dumps.

3. Show your care and interest in a person who’s pouring out their guts to you.

4. Be a good listener. Don’t jump to offer advice- just listen.

5. Make a pot of homemade chicken soup for someone who is too sick to cook.

6. Don’t hesitate to offer a compliment.

7. If you find it difficult to actually say the words “I love you” to someone you love, try writing them a letter.

8. If you have small children, do not miss out on the opportunity to tell them how much you love them! So often as parents of young children, we are so busy correcting them and things of that sort, that we forget to enjoy them and show our love in verbal ways. Building up their self esteem and their image of themselves comes directly from you. They see themselves as you project them to be. You are their mirror, so mirror love, kindness and encouragement towards them and a sincere interest in their lives!

9. Give a call to an elderly relative to just say “Hi”. They will be so happy to hear from you!

10. Volunteer at a hospital or nursing home. There are also many sick children in hospitals who would love to receive a card or letters to brighten their day and let them know that people care.

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